The Beginning...

Ninja Funk, a trio conceived in 2008 consisting of 3 misfits named LAZERWOLF aka (Steve Schuitt), JPG McFly aka (JPG), and JPG’s house cat Wolfgang aka (Well…Wolfgang!). Training in the dark musical arts of drumming in the cold mountains of Alaska, Steve Schuitt migrates south to Los Angeles in search of answers.

There, he befriends a fellow Ninja who had been training in the arts of DJing and Comics. They traveled far and wide threw southern California playing shows at Coachella, Yost Theater, Exchange, Space Yacht and many other battle grounds over the years leveling up their XP, until they stumbled across the ultimate training Dojo center “Icon Collective”.

Training at this Dojo taught them the art of frequency bending which supported their quest in saving the Universe from B.A.D. music.

During the 2020 pandemic shows were scarce and their XP was drastically dwindling. Was this the end of Ninja Funk?

Hell nah! Ninja Funk hunkered down and began a new quest writing the greatest story ever told in the Universe. That’s right, Ninja Funk used their frequency bending skills to compose a Comic book written in the language of music.  This EPIC tale is not only based on true story of their journey through life, but musically enhanced by a soundtrack to bring their story on the pages to life! 

Now they are in search of a higher frequency and have set out to bring true harmony to the dissonant Universe.

Will Ninja Funk “Press Play” to save the universe or will their enemies pause them in the tracks.

It’s time to face the music..

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